Yummy Body™

Yummy Body™

The 6-Week Weight-Loss, Energy, & Manifestation Program

How I Melted 45+ Pounds Away After Years of Trying, & Feeling Defeated!

I haven't always felt this confident or connected in my body. In fact, my body has been my deepest place of insecurity until I started to realize she was my greatest friend and asset to freedom.

On the right you can see the 45+ pound weight loss. I didn't just shed the weight on my body, I shed fear, beliefs of unworthiness, feelings of hatred, and what I gained? Freedom, joy, security, and the true sense of self. I started  starting to give myself permission to feel sexy, love myself, follow my desires, and re-parent my inner child.

Every woman deserves to feel safe and trusting in her home, and it starts by giving yourself permission to love and understand yourself.

That's why in this course, I want to show you how to heal your relationship with your body, re-program your mind around food and exercise, and free yourself from any restriction.

What Women Are Sharing:

"My pattern is dessert. Tonight I have zero desire. Usually I'm like thinking about it constantly."

"I know all the right things to do but I wasn't doing them, and I didn't know why. Lauren is helping me see my struggles as pathways to my wants. I'm on the journey, and I can feel everything falling into place."

About The Program:


6-Modules dropped in your inbox.

Module 1:

Set Your Intention & Focus on The Feeling

Module 2:

Become a Master at Shifting

Module 3:

Take Aligned Action

Module 4:

Hunger is just Hunger

Module 5:

Fullness is Enough-ness

Module 6:

Yummify the F*ck Out of Your Life

Bonuses Included!

Setting Your Intention: (NLP Anchoring & Goal Setting)

Emotional Freedom Tapping: Confidence, Trust, & Moving your Emotions

Worthy Woman Meditation: Subconscious Re-Programming & Manifestation


1 payment of $495.00 or 2 monthly payments of $250.00

*Monthly Payment Plan, please e-mail me here at: lauren@laurenvejar.com

Upon purchase, I agree to the Terms of Use.

Pay in Full Here

What Women Are Sharing:

"Not only did I NOT eat any snacks or any night cap drinks before bed last night, but I woke up to 4lbs down!!"

"Thank you for seeing me. I've never felt like my emotions and vulnerability are a blessing, I've only been told they're what's wrong with me. Being seen has been so unfamiliar and basically non existent in my life. I'm ready to be seen. And I'm very grateful to you."

"I keep visualizing myself as so fit and strong and fully me. My body is so sexy and it's just waiting to come out!"

"I'm sweating at the gym and telling myself over and over that I seriously deserve to feel good in my body and this time I mean it."

Meet Raina.

A multi-6-figure biz owner & busy body. She lost 12 pounds in 6 weeks. No dieting. No meal plans.

Who you are now is enough & it's time embrace more of her!

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